Where can I find the GSD files for operating my Softing PROFIBUS interface as master?
f you want the PROFIboardPCI (PB-IF…), PROFIboard, PB-PC104, FG-100 or FG-300 to run as master, you can use the softb203.gsd file, which is located in the directory C:\Program Files\Softing\PROFIBUS\SDK\DDB(GSD)\PROFIboard master b203
once you have installed the driver.
For PROFIcard2 please use this GSD file: C:\Program Files\Softing\PROFIBUS\SDK\DDB(GSD)\PROFIcard master b204\softb204.gsd
For the PROFIpro and PROFIusb interfaces you can use the GSD file: C:\Program Files\Softing\PROFIBUS\SDK\DDB(GSD)\PBpro master 0baa\soft0baa.gsd
Alternatively, PROFIboard or PROFIcard can be selected in applications instead of PROFIusb.